Some experimenting this afternoon. I made these clay pieces to create the body candles from unsettled focus. As they got harder from the clay drying out they started to resemble stones and rocks that I see on my everyday walks. I found this textured spray paint that gives a rock/stone look to it and sprayed them. The next step is to make quite a few more and take them out and place them in different locations. Experimenting with the relationship of body and nature especially with minerals such as water and those found in natural rocks and stones. These man-made rocks are small replicas of the intimate and often hidden areas of the female body. Later made from Jesmonite, which is similar in weight and feel to a rock, to make the resemblance even more believable, the ‘body rocks’ as they have been called were spray painted with a stone textured effect spray paint. This camouflaging of body into nature was inspired by Bill Brandt images where he, through clever use of the camera, makes the female body appear to be part of the landscape. The power to deceive viewers on the materiality of the piece was particularly exciting.
Creating Body Rocks