Curatorial play session on the MA course was really interesting and thought provoking. We were only allowed to make work from the items inside our bags, not being able to bring in materials was really hard but it opened up my practice to some interesting ideas. Here are some short clips of small play pieces that I really enjoyed making, they were really easy, really quick and got me thinking about these very mundane and ordinary items I have in my bag. All my essentials put to use in a different way, being manipulated, dragged, scratched. I find some of the noises in these clips particularly interesting.
The Above Video is the process of making my final outcome piece for the curatorial play session. I called this piece “pillow talk” it was really interesting to use this old style telephone to crush berries to then transfer the juices onto the pillow creating a mark making process. Almost like some strange way of printing using sculptural objects. The way I presented it in the corner wall space really made me think about the connection from one end of the line to the other, the distance between individuals but how they can still be closely connected. Really thought provoking session. Although I enjoyed experimenting with making more performative work and documenting it through video, I feel that my work is most engaging when it is a physical thing in a physical space, not necessarily an object but an installation or sculpture.