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Developing wax works


A rollercoaster day in the wax workshop today. After a big spill of wax I was able to get the first layer poured into the mould and ready for the next pour layer. I’m hoping to have them finished by next week so that I can use them for a tester piece for upcoming shows. Excited to get some new work going that has gotten me really inspired and motivated.

The negative mould of the clay pieces were really interesting, they reminded me of caves. I have gained an interest lately in rocks and minerals, due to the relationship with water and body. This could be something to explore more.

The process of the wax going from a solid to a liquid and back to a solid also interests me. Its constant change in being, when I poured the wax, I tried to rush the setting by using cold air on the wax, a film skin appeared on top of the setting wax and has really made me think about the connotations of skin, especially 'unperfect' skin.

This piece yet to be titled, is a carved wax sculpture of the fat rolls, made into a candle that was made to melt down into a puddle, once again exploring the themes of water and fluidity. The fluidity of the was melting and forming puddles and overlapping's of colours.

The candles kept blowing out and so had to be relighted constantly. The time-lapse of this piece not only documents the process of the material temporality but also embodies the fluidness of a woman's body, hinting at the cycles we go through, having periods, giving birth, breast feeding and so on. As the female body gives out and takes part in these fluid outpourings, a part of our body goes with it, a part of the self. The body is a boundary that has edges, but when examined further and taking into account the expelled materials from the body, not only bodily waste, it shows how the body is actually massively dispersed. Passing on parts of itself into other beings and environments.

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