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Really Excited to announce my first solo show! Far from home takes place in the micro gallery New Haus Gallery, featuring some of my latest experimental piece and new materials I have been working with. This my first solo show it was nice to start off small, I can't wait to do something large scale someday with massive in your face works but this challenge to make everything small was really fun. It took a lot of patience and time but in the end with the help of curator Jenna Fox, it was well worth it!

‘Far from Home’

OPENS - 22nd May 2021

'Objects recognised but not entirely familiar, an uncanny feeling of nostalgia. Smells of fresh laundry and soap fill the air, triggering tiny imprints of clean pasts. Parts of self-trapped inside the works, shed skin and fallen hair turned into tiny molecules of dust, picked up in the casts of home. ‘Far from Home’ shows a selection of Catherine McCaw-Aldworth’s recent works, discussing the familiarity of the home in relation to the body and its waste. Although a lot of the pieces stem from objects within the home, such as an iron and light switch, they are quite far from home. The works speak from a female perspective, thinking about the domestic and bodily tasks that take place every day. Made from alternate materials that express human materiality, including and showing discarded materials that have been expelled from the body. The work is subtly abject and quite uncanny, a blended ghost of the home.'

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