This week I have had the exciting opportunity to install work in a physical show, Beyond the Boundaries. This piece of work is a further exploration into the Pearl and it's feminine connotations but also it's materiality. playing on the idea of the mother as in mother nature, that can be seen in the background windows of the gallery, as well as the term of the toilet being a throne where one goes to have intimate alone time in the chaotic home, especially mothers who are traditionally faced with running the household. Turning a toilet into a home for a massive overgrown pearl. The Pearl is made the same materials as the last pearl but instead the composition and chemical aspect of the materials Is different, the water in this pearl is ocean water and the sand is from the beach. The massive pearl sits neatly on the clam shell toilet seat, blocking anything else from going inside, ironic and subtle, but at the same time largely in your face and strange when approached.
The pearl could have been better, the drying period caused the pearl to split in certain areas and crack. I'm not sure how this could be corrected going forward or how I can make it so that it doesn't crack. I have been told that it makes the pearl look more bodily and adds to the piece, but I think that it takes away from the illusion of the pearl.
The show Beyond the Boundaries showcases the diverse and exciting work created by the postgraduate community of artists at UCA Farnham. In a time of uncertainty and under radical constraints, we have found new ways to communicate and manifest our diverse practices. Exploring the newly emerging social and cultural energies, the work seeks ways of transcending conventions, the limitations of ideologies and restrictive belief systems.