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Play with Clay


Some clay sculptures I made today based of the images used in “SOFT” a current Work in Progress. I made these sculpture with the intention to make moulds of them, These are currently sitting and setting in a plaster mould and tomorrow will be made into wax sculptures. There is something quite unsettling within me, that the clay is only a one time use, after the plaster has set I will have to dig it out and shape the rest of the mould. The clay is temporal like my own body.

The pieces are an abstract replica of body ‘fat’ rolls and how the body curates them bunched together when resting. Really interested lately in the correlation between these biomorphic subjects and the body, at the moment, skin and body dysmorphia

From the production of ‘SOFT’ I gained a slight obsession with the curves and squashed flesh, it seems like quite an uncanny desire but this image of a tactile and malleable has really inspired me to go deeper into the socially abjected body.

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