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Sci-Fi inspirations


Throughout my life Sci-Fi and Fantasy Movies/TV shows have always really inspired me to be creative. I love seeing the made up worlds and investigating the correlations between the fiction in them and the real world. The Science behind it has always really intrigued me and lately whilst researching biomorphism and the body, I've been more and more pulled in by biological entanglements of the world.

Stargate is a long-time favourite of mine that I’ve watched since I was quite young, on and off. This episode ‘One False Step’ I watched recently has inspired an idea for a piece. Taking inspiration from the plants that send out a high pitch noise wave that only the alien species can register, this sound helps them to function and when the plant gets damaged by the Stargate travellers the alien village start to get really sick and go into a deep sleep paralysis. Only when the plant is revived do the villagers come back to normal. This symbiotic relationship is really interesting to me, it has inspired a new piece that I plan to make closer to the summer months.

This is a rough sketch for an installation idea, inspired by his symbiotic relationship of the plant and the people. I plan to make the 'flowers' from well known materials. I envision the stalks being made from stuffed tights, these are malleable and can be shaped into quite natural and curvilinear shapes. The petals I want to be made from laundry sheets, they will have the smell of fresh laundry attached to them also. The inside seeded area would be made from toilet paper pulp. This crossover of domestic materials to form flowers reminds me as well of Helen Chadwicks 'Piss Flowers'

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